Track Your Pet - Affordable Solutions to Locate Your Pet Dog, Cat or Horse When They Need You Most.
Being separated from your pet whilst out and about is a concern to all pet-owners. Track Your Ltd products have been developed to give you confidence that you will be able to locate your pet in the event of it straying away.
Proudly Working in Association with the

GPS Tracking Devices
GPS Tracking Devices can be used to monitor animals which roam away from their owners when on outdoor pursuits e.g hunting dogs. If an animal gets injured or caught in shrubbery whilst away from their owner, it can be difficult to locate them; however, if they are wearing a Tracking Device on their collar, they can easily be found and assisted.
- Locate your pet instantly if you need to know their whereabouts
- Proactive alerts e.g Speed alert indicates your pet is unexpectedly within a moving vehicle
- Set up geofences, so you are alerted if your pet exits a set area
Track Your GPS Trackers work in conjunction with our unique Track Your Web Interface (Supplied FREE to all Track Your Customers). This simple-to-use web page ensures the position of your tracker-wearing pet can be instantly viewed on a map via all internet connected devices (PC/ Mobile Phone / Tablets) at the touch of a button, and you can obtain directions to guide you to their location*.
NO MONTHLY FEES charged by Track Your Ltd (unlike competitor companies!!)**
Basic Overview of How GPS Trackers Work, and Costs Involved (FAQs)
Click HERE for more information on our GPS Trackers
Why use a Track Your GPS Tracker in addition to having your pet microchipped?
GPS Trackers are proactive devices to enable owners to locate their pet in the event of it straying away. This is in contrast to microchips which, whilst being useful in providing owners contact details, do not enable owners to search for, and find, their lost animal in the event of it straying.
Additionally, if microchipped animals are retrieved by the authorities, then owners may incur costs to have their pet returned to them. The cost of purchasing a GPS Tracker for a pet can easily pay for itself if it enables the owner to find the animal before the authorities need to intervene.
Radio Frequency Trackers and BLE Bluetooth Tags
These devices are ideal for domestic animals who do not normally stray far from their owner. Maximum search range approx 1600 feet. More information on our Radio Trackers or BLE Bluetooth Tags
Simple Monitoring Solutions
Simple monitoring solutions are available for all animals, such as attaching LED lights to their collars, to ensure you can safely monitor their whereabouts in dusk / dark conditions.
Click HERE for more information on our Simple Solutions
Have a Question?
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* Note: GPS Trackers can also be used by pet owners who don’t own a Smartphone – comprehensive user manuals are supplied.
**No monthly fees paid to Track Your Ltd. However, in addition to purchasing GPS Tracker from Track Your Ltd, you will also need to budget for set-up costs (purchase of SIM card to go inside tracking device), plus ongoing costs ( messages from your mobile phone, plus the costs of the tracking device sending messages to your phone). Tracker costs can be as low as £1 a year!!!